My three pillars are holistic Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy (R. Assagioli), Analytical Therapy (CG Jung) and High Sensitivity Therapy (EN Aron).
Psychosynthesis - R. Assagioli (1888-1974)
as Psychosynthesis therapist , I support you body-oriented. This means that you do not analyze your issues cognitively, but sense solutions and changes through your body's access. About 80 percent of our 'knowledge' is unconscious and 'stored' in the body.
They make this unconscious accessible again through grounding, mindful breathing, introspection of images and partial personalities, physical expression and creative painting. You get to know your psychic parts of yourself and your inner child parts. Gradually you gain distance from your thoughts, feelings and patterns and achieve a synthesis of your inner parts.
Analytical Psychology - CG Jung (1875-1961
In addition to Psychosynthesis approach , I work with depth psychological approaches CG . guys . The Swiss psychiatrist had the concept of self-realization, of individuation. That means every person has an individuation path, or a task in life, to become who you really are from the inside. Jung distinguished the personal and collective unconscious. I, self, shadows, dreams, active imaginations, symbols, archetypal forces, myths and fairy tales offer insight into the inner dynamics. The personal life theme and life purpose become clearer. You become aware of repeated patterns and triggers and can change them.
High Sensitivity Therapy - EN Aron (1944)
I work based on the research of High Sensitivity Therapy by American psychotherapist, depth psychologist and pioneering researcher Elaine N. Aron. Elaine Aron proved this scientifically in the 1990s. High sensitivity is a trait that accounts for 15 to 20 percent of people. The light side of high sensitivity is the gift of sensitive intuition. The dark side of high sensitivity often leads to a nervous overstimulation of the senses.
I look forward to getting to know you personally!